European Institute of Innovation & Technology | A body of the European Union



DEEP INVENTHEI envisions that by 2030 a critical mass of highly educated young entrepreneurs and innovators will be contributing to the emergence of highly dynamic research and innovation ecosystems, favouring the creation or inshore of knowledge-intensive companies on deep tech technologies, developing new value-added products and services, and innovative business models in the manufacturing and health domains. At the same time, DEEP INVENTHEI will contribute to attracting and retaining talent in Europe, by training deep tech talents, increasing support for women innovators and supporting deep tech academic spin-offs and start-ups.  

DEEPINVENTHEI builds on the results of INVENTHEI, funded by the HEI Initiative pilot call. DEEP INVENTHEI will nurture the existing Business & Innovation Network (BIN@) to create an international network of regional innovation valleys, where the best talent works hand in hand with the best companies and where deep tech innovation thrives. This network of regional innovation valleys will be where disruptive solutions to address the most pressing societal challenges are developed and brought to the market, either through existing companies or deep tech academic spin-offs or start-ups.





Horizon 2020


EUGLOHRIA is a “Science with and for Society” project promoted by EUGLOH – European University Alliance for Global Health.

EUGLOHRIA aims to consolidate the Alliance's efforts and achievements towards establishing a European University around Global Health by broadening its scope to include the "Research and Innovation" dimension.

Building upon EUGLOH's accomplishments in education and training on Global Health, EUGLOHRIA will broadly expand EUGLOH's reach, incorporating cutting-edge research and situating the Alliance as a strategic partner within highly dynamic innovation ecosystems.




European Institute of Innovation & Technology | A body of the European Union


The INVENTHEI project arises in the context of the HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education funded under the Pilot Call for Proposals launched by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and led by EIT RawMaterials (one of the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) of the EIT).

Led by the Faculty of Engineering from the University of Porto, INVENTHEI intends to contribute to the training of the new generation of entrepreneurs through the creation and sharing of innovation practices between partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), improving the relationships of their regional innovation ecosystems and promoting research for innovation.

Inspired by the lean start-up methodology, the INVENTHEI project will implement an Innovation Vision Action Plan (IVAP) based around three dimensions related to the pillars of the EIT:

• Learning and Mentoring programs focused on training, guidance and involvement of students and staff (Education Pillar)

• Education structures focused on offering testbeds and innovation-oriented research (Innovation Pillar)

• Collaboration and learning programs between industry, research and academia (Business Pillar)








UI-TRANSFER’s main goal is to increase the potential for scientific and technological knowledge valorisation through network dynamics with the aim to enable the success of the different phases of the R&D and innovation cycle, making possible the identification, feasibility, acceleration and capitalization of innovative projects in the market.

The results that will be obtained in UI-TRANSFER will allow the implementation of the strategy outlined by the project partners, namely with regard to: 1 - Promoting the transfer and application of knowledge; 2 - Intensify cooperation between companies and ENESI&I (non-business entities of the research and innovation ecosystem); 3 - Enhance the economic valorization of the results of the R&D projects developed; 4 - Disseminate knowledge that contributes to the increase in scientific and technological demand and business innovation.







The project UI-CAN - Universities as Interface for Entrepreneurship aims to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, mobilizing university knowledge for the creation of new companies that respond to social and societal challenges, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.








The “Strengthening Research and Innovation in Young Universities for Regional Development in Latin America” (i2latam) project is a 3 year Erasmus+ project, funded by the European Commission. It has a Consortium of 14 institutions, 9 of them from Latin America. 

The main objective of the i2latam Project is to strengthen research and innovation (R&I) capacities in Latin American young Universities by encouraging innovative strategies of collaboration between the University and regional socioeconomic key actors. This dynamic will promote a generation of a culture of collaboration and innovation. 

From U.Porto side are collaborating in this project the Research and Projects Office, the U.Porto Innovation Office and IJUP Empresas, as well as the International Relations Office. 









The current knowledge-oriented global economy demands that more relevance is given to issues such as inclusion and social equality, as well as an increase in the research for innovation processes that answer society’s needs and challenges. 

These goals can only be achieved if there is an open commitment to collaboration and cooperation among the quadruple helix of stakeholders (University, Companies, Policy making bodies and Citizens). The basis for the development of a society that is entrepreneurial, inclusive, collaborative and socially aware is Education.

European Corporate Social Entrepreneurship/EMBRACE’s main goal is the promotion of social entrepreneurship in the educational programs and curricula of Higher Education institutions, and improve the students’ skills, employability and attitudes, fostering the creation of new business and opportunities.   

From U.Porto side are collaborating in this project U.Porto Inovação and Instituto de Sociologia da Universidade do Porto (IS-UP).







SPIN-UP is a POCTEP project (a program for cross-border cooperation between Portugal and Spain) which aims to improve technology and know-how transfer as well as enterprise creation in the region.

The goal is to close the gap between know-how creators and the enterprise sector in the cross-border region through improved conditions for the creation of technology-based companies, supporting entrepreneurs, researchers and other actors that are crucial in knowledge transfer between academia and the corporate world.

Crucial to achieving this ambition is the creation of a cross-border network of NLT's (Local Transfer Hubs), but the project also aims at accelerating an entrepreneurial culture based on "open innovation".







ADSA’s main goal is to support competitiveness and internationalization of digital start-ups in the Atlantic area. This support will happen through an acceleration program and a mentor’s network, created to ease the participant companies’ scale-up. This project includes partners from five different regions (France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom) and promote the internationalization among these regions is a top priority.






UNI+i is a cross-border cooperation project between Northern Portugal and Castilla y León for the impulse of innovative entrepreneurship and competitiveness between companies. The main objective of UNI+i is reinforce the cooperation between the R&D&I responsible institutions in Castilla y León and Northern Portugal to create and develop innovative companies in comunication common strategic sectors in the Cooperation Area.





Interreg Europe


The main objective of the Helium project is to increase the efficiency of public funding dedicated to innovation in health. In order to do so, regions need to know what the greatest weaknesses are in their innovation systems and how to strengthen them, so that this can result in a large-scale, accessible, attractive and "connected" sustainable experimental landscape. This may be achieved by taking advantage of the potential of "living labs" which increase the chances of health innovations to be commercially successful. The results of the project will benefit all actors in the quadruple helix, namely public authorities, by improving their ability to manage innovation in health; research and business centers, by improving the opportunities to develop innovation; healthcare providers in achieving more efficient and innovative solutions; as well as individuals, by involving them in the innovation process and allowing them to expose their needs and use the new technologies.







SHERPA do MAR is a project under POCTEP (Portugal-Spain transnational cooperation programme), whose main goal is to boost the creation and consolidation of new knowledge-intensive business initiatives in the marine-maritime field in Galicia-North of Portugal. In turn, this will also favour job creation and increase business competitiveness in the region.

To achieve this, the following specific objectives are set:
- Creation of a cross-border ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship in the marine-maritime context.
- Creation of companies in the marine-maritime sector with high added value through the promotion of technological-scientific synergies
- Improve the competitiveness of pre-existing companies through the promotion of innovation.




European Institute of Innovation & Technology


EIT Health is a network of best-in-class innovators backed by the European Union. By collaborating across borders, the network and its partners deliver solutions to enable European citizens to live longer, healthier lives. EIT Health addresses these questions head on by bringing together healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, and citizens, offering them new opportunities and resources.

The University of Porto is a part of this network as a EIT Health Hub – we are the active centres in the region for the implementation of EIT Health’s Regional Innovation Scheme

Our primary role as a RIS Hub is to ensure the visibility of the EIT Community and raise awareness of activities and cooperation opportunities for local players representing education, business and research areas. We also liaise with the relevant national, regional and local authorities and facilitate the sharing of EIT Innovation Community expertise with them. 

To know the current programmes and initiatives, please check our opportunities section





UNI+i is a cross-border cooperation project between Northern Portugal and Castilla y León for the impulse of innovative entrepreneurship and competitiveness between companies. The main objective of UNI+i is reinforce the cooperation between the R&D&I responsible institutions in Castilla y León and Northern Portugal to create and develop innovative companies in comunication common strategic sectors in the Cooperation Area.




Interreg Europe


The main objective of the Helium project is to increase the efficiency of public funding dedicated to innovation in health. In order to do so, regions need to know what the greatest weaknesses are in their innovation systems and how to strengthen them, so that this can result in a large-scale, accessible, attractive and "connected" sustainable experimental landscape. This may be achieved by taking advantage of the potential of "living labs" which increase the chances of health innovations to be commercially successful. The results of the project will benefit all actors in the quadruple helix, namely public authorities, by improving their ability to manage innovation in health; research and business centers, by improving the opportunities to develop innovation; healthcare providers in achieving more efficient and innovative solutions; as well as individuals, by involving them in the innovation process and allowing them to expose their needs and use the new technologies.



NOE - Noroeste Empreendedor

Compete 2020



NOE - Noroeste Empreendedor aims to support entrepreneurs in the Northwest Region of Portugal. This is done through the provision of a set of initiatives, tools and mechanisms that allow for the auscultation, validation, implementation and acceleration of business ideas in order to create new companies geared towards the global market in sectors considered to be emerging. This support is the result of the experience and know-how of the Universities of Porto, Minho and Aveiro, which, in the scope of this application, will join forces in the pursuit of a common goal. With the implementation of NOE, we intend to guarantee an effective and constant follow-up to the entrepreneurs, namely through the collection of information on the impact of entrepreneurship in the community, the provision of consulting and mentoring services, as well as access to networks and partners with recognized knowledge and experience. 



U.Norte Inova


Portugal 2020


U.Norte Inova is a project designed to promote innovation among Portuguese companies and industries. It arises within the scope of the consortium which, based on the Regional Strategy for Intelligent Specialization developed by the CCDR-N (Comission for the Coordination and Development of the Norte Region), aims to bring together the supply and demand of knowledge and enhance innovation in the business scape, especially in the northern part of the country.



BIP - Business Ignition Programme


Portugal 2020


Business Ignition Program - BIP - is a technology acceleration program aimed at validating a viable business model and enhancing its transformation into new products / services / processes. The application submitted to Norte 2020 was approved to support three editions of the BIP, focusing on the retail area. The consortium of the project is made up of the partners U.Porto Inovação, INESC TEC and CIIMAR


SOLA - Spin-off Lean Acceleration





Spin-off Lean Acceleration (SOLA) is an international project to strengthen the capacity of universities to encourage the creation of knowledge-based spin-offs and startups. Led by RedEmprendia and with the financial support of the European Union's Erasmus + program, the project brings together the experience and knowledge of eight universities in Europe and Latin America with the aim of outlining and implementing a training path for the technical staff of the incubators and university support centers for entrepreneurship. The SOLA modules deal with strategic issues for the development of spin-offs and university startups such as: intellectual property, internationalization, financing, quality certifications, strategic redefinition or lean startup methodology.




Portugal 2020 aims to identify and support a new generation of startups, with a genetic code marked by "Born Global", based on some priority areas defined within the scope of the regional strategy of intelligent specialization. This is a project developed in co-promotion with the University of Porto and TECMINHO, materializing in this way the desirable cooperation between players whose activity is complemented, having an important history in the promotion of entrepreneurship of high potential and creation of qualified employment always with a vision and ambition on a global scale. 




TEJ - Towards a University Enterprise alliance in Jordan

Tempus IV




The importance of relations between universities and their socio-economic environment has become a topical issue in Europe in the last 20 years, and has also been stressed within the implementation of the Bologna process. Whereas in most European countries, relations between Universities and enterprises have been developed and intensified during the past decade, Jordanian Universities are currently only starting to create strategies and instruments in this domain. The project is aimed at stimulating the development of a Jordanian university enterprise cooperation culture, by promoting good practice for implementing university based enterprise liaison offices in 8 Jordanian Universities, creation of capacities in human resources, promoting of coherent information and communication strategies among the Universities’ communities and within the local business environment as well as providing necessary strategic input for the creation of long-term partnerships and collaborative research with enterprises.




INTERREG IV B - Atlantic Area Programme


STAMAR Project aims to improve the competiveness and innovation capacity of SMEs in the Atlantic Area maritime sector by facilitating technology transfer processes through the creation of a transnational demonstration centre of capacities and technologies which are applicable to the maritime industry, paying special attention to those technologies which favour an environmental sustainable development. 



NanoValor – Creation of competitiveness cluster in Nanotechnology for the capitalization of the R&DT in the Eurozone North of Portugal-Galiza

POCTEP- Program of trans-border Cooperation Spain-Portugal


The main mission of the Nanovalor Project is to strengthen the institutional links between the key Nanotechnology actors in Northern Portugal and Galicia through the formalization and creation of a Competitiveness Cluster (Pólo de Competitividade - PCT). Specifically, it aims to involve the private sector, in general, and the industrial ecosystem, in particular, in the valuation and capitalization of Nanotechnology  Research and Development (R&D) in the Northern Portugal-Galicia Euroregion. This would strategically boost genuine regional cooperation to turn Nanotechnology into a major economic and social development tool of the Euroregion and to create an innovative development platform based on a dynamic Competitiveness Cluster, resulting in a clear collective strategic commitment to counteract the lack of size and experience of most companies in the exploration and appreciation of the potential of Nanotechnology. Nanovalor’s main activities include: the analysis, adaptation and transfer of replicable methodologies for the promotion and development of nanotechnology; developing more effective technology transfer models (adapted to Nanotechnology and the Euroregion); creating a Competitiveness Cluster dedicated to nanotechnology; establishing Nanotechnology R&D and innovation communities





The main objective of the GAPI 3.0 project is to promote entrepreneurship and business creation among students and young researchers of the National Scientific and Technological System (Sistema Científico e Tecnológico Nacional - SCTN) through the following strategic objectives (SO): SO #1 "Ideas & Skills": Fostering the necessary entrepreneurial skills in young researchers and women to realise their ideas/projects, preferably in areas with high economic potential (technological and advanced services). SO #2 "Technology transfer & university spin-offs": Early-stage identification of technologies and research results that have the potential to be transformed into competitive products. SO #3 "Innovation & Business Models": Promotion of innovation as a means of assertion in the market(s) when setting up new technology- and science-based companies.


MARECON.PT - Translating marine science into products and services for the Portuguese economy



The objective of is to allow for the identification/evaluation of technologies resulting from the three R&D projects of the Integrated Programme of Scientific Research & Technological Development (Investigação Científica & Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - IC&DT) (AQUAIMPROV, MARBIOTECH, ECORISK) in order to outline valorisation and commercialisation strategies and promote entrepreneurship in marine research. It aims to maximise the economic potential of R&D results.



KTForce - Knowledge Transfer joint forces for efficient innovation policies




The KTForce project involves partners from 6 different European regions (Portugal, Ireland, France, Germany, Romania and Lithuania) and aims at improving innovation policies in each partner region by taking advantage of the experience, at an operational level, of the technology transfer (TT) offices. In order to achieve relevant results, the partnership was developed involving two types of partners per region: an operational partner, specifically TT offices, and a local or regional authority, responsible for designing and/or implementing the recommendations to improve innovation policy design, identified during the project.


KIMERAA - Knowledge transfer to Improve Marine Economy in Regions from the Atlantic Area

INTERREG IV B - Atlantic Area Programme




KIMERAA aimed to develop niches of excellence through the creation of bridges between the scientific organisations and firms related with maritime and marine resources. To this goal, it was necessary to articulate knowledge transfer channels in the regions in the Atlantic Area, connecting different institutional actors that intervene in the Marine and Maritime Economy.





The project Rumo@Europa aims to raise awareness, enhance and support the participation of companies, mainly technology-based, in applying to the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7 R&TD) of the European Union, by facilitating access to important financial resources funded by international programmes for R&TD, as well as access to knowledge and internationalisation by participating in international networks and consortia in these areas.



GAPI – Department of Support and Promotion of Intellectual Property

GAPI Network

GAPI is a structure dedicated to providing information services and promoting industrial property, with the aim of strengthening the competitiveness of Portuguese institutions by encouraging the protection of Industrial Property Rights.



OTIC@UP - Workshop for the transfer of technology and knowledge

Pos Conhecimento (AdI)

The mission of the OTIC of the University of Porto is to foster innovation through the valorisation of U.Porto’s research results, namely through identifying and protecting intellectual property, fostering technology transfer, creating spin-offs and promoting entrepreneurial training.

SUSTENTEC – Transfer and Incorporation of Sustainable Technologies

Operação Norte - 1.4. Valorização e Promoção Regional e Local

SUSTENTEC is dedicated to the creation of an international forum for discussing, debating and sharing knowledge, methods and information on current trends and best practices in the use of "clean" technologies and their application and implementation in industrial processes.


Tech SME Partnering

FP6-INNOVATION INNOVATION-2005-1.2.3 Fostering coordination of national and sub-national innovation programmes. 

With 12 European regions represented within a 15-partner consortium, the mission of this European project is to bring together leaders in Research and Technology Development with innovative small- and medium-sized companies and investors, with the purpose of establishing value-added partnerships, making the development of technology alliances and investments more accessible and effective.


Viver a Inovação

COTEC Portugal


Through the U.Porto Entrepreneurship project “Viver a Inovação”, the University intends to offer all members of its community, whether they be students, teachers or researchers, an opportunity to experience the process of innovation and entrepreneurship first hand.






The European Researchers' Night (ERN) brings scientists and the general public together to interact within a relaxed atmosphere. The exchange of ideas and experiences that ERN provides aims to contribute towards building a “healthier” image of researchers among the general public and to demonstrate that science is not as complicated as one might think.

Os projetos em que a U.Porto Inovação participou foram os seguintes:

  • Researchers' Night 2008 - SCIENTISTSACROSSPORTUGAL - Closing the gaps between researchers and the large public; 
  • Researchers' Night 2009 - SETTINGTHESTAGE - Setting the stage in Portugal: researchers and the public come together through theatre; 
  • Researchers' Night 2010 - SETTINGTHESTAGE II - Setting a New Stage in Portugal: Researchers and the public come together through Arts and Sports; 
  • Researchers' Night 2011 - SOS - Science on Screen


European Satellite Navigation Competition

Galileo-EGNOS Prize Award Scheme


The ESNC project aims to become the largest international innovation network in the area of satellite navigation ecosystem. The network organises an annual contest that rewards the best services, products or business innovations in satellite navigation research.


GAPI 2.0



To promote the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy by incorporating and valuing the knowledge generated by companies, entrepreneurs, and institutions of higher education and of the scientific system through fostering technology-based entrepreneurship and promoting and supporting the use of the ‘Intellectual Property (IP) System’ among the aforementioned economic agents.



Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

CIP Competitiveness and Innovation Programme



Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border programme that gives young or aspiring entrepreneurs the opportunity to travel to another participating country to acquire the knowledge they need to manage small businesses from experienced entrepreneurs. The exchange of experiences takes place during the new entrepreneur’s stay with the experienced entrepreneur, allowing him/her to acquire the necessary skills needed to run a small business. The host entrepreneur benefits from gaining novel perspectives on their business and has the opportunity to cooperate with foreign partners or to acquire knowledge of new markets. The stay is partially funded by the European Union. Whether you are a new entrepreneur or an experienced entrepreneur, the programme may provide a strong added value to your business: the possible benefits include the exchange of knowledge and experiences, networking opportunities across Europe and new business relationships within overseas markets.