

We are glad to officially open the online registrations for the BIN@ annual event ‘BIN@PORTO 2024’ which this year has the underlying theme ‘Innovation for Resilience’ structured around three grand pillars CLIMATE | DIGITAL | ENERGY & WATER. The participation is free-of-charge, but a pre-registration is required.  

The event will take place on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of October, in Porto (at the Faculty of Engineering of the U.Porto and at UPTEC).

It will have in store:

  • OPEN SESSIONS (22 Oct) that are fully open to public so that everyone interested in a specific topic could attend the keynote(s) of their choice. These sessions, based on the three grand pillars CLIMATE | DIGITAL |ENERGY & WATER shall frame the 3-day event. 
  • ACTION TANK SESSIONS (23 Oct) which have as a goal to encourage working across disciplines, sharing knowledge and experience as well as creating interdisciplinary teams to address proposed topics/challenges from different perspectives and areas involved. Active engagement of the audience is expected.
  • UPTEC SESSIONS (24 Oct), offering a diverse selection of activities to choose from. You can visit the Exhibition: Tech Demo and Business Showcase where the delegates will have the opportunity to present and/or visit a wide group of technology demonstrations as well as company showcases.  This brokerage day will also include a roundtable on Climate Resilient Communities, a talk on the art of pitching, UPTEC NON-STOP: Startup Pitches, two parallel Reverse Pitches (Investors Day), time for B2B meetings, amongst others. 

And last, but certainly not least, SOCIAL PROGRAMME & NETWORKING unravelling over the whole duration of the event as the strengthening of ties and building new collaborations between the participants of the event cannot be disregarded. 

Want to join? Please register here!