
E-MERGIR will be the first internet-delivered intervention designed under the principles of CBT and Mindfulness strategies, specifically tailored to meet the needs of men with prostate cancer. This app will allow providing mental health assistance, overcoming barriers like time constraints, geographical issues, between others.                 

E-MERGIR is a scientifically-based intervention for patients with prostate cancer, designed to support mental and sexual health, and to improve overall quality of life.


Knowing that the prostate cancer ranks as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men, this invention reveals truly pertinent. Also, there is a need to monitor the increasing number of patients with side effects of prostate cancer treatments. Therefore it appears this E-Health app for PCa patients that offers the opportunity to respond to needs of patients such as emotional distress, relation distress and impairments in intimacy and sexuality. 


Unique tool in mental and sexual health domain for prostate cancer patients; E-MERGIR may boost patients' commitment to the intervention by utilizing mobile devices and user-friendly interaction design.

Potential comercial use/applications: 

E-Health tool - E-MERGIR - expected to overcome geographical limits, increasing adherence to treatments and improving healthcare systems with strong economic impact.

University of Porto Universidade Lusófona