The invention relates to a new insecticide that kills insect cells in a selective manner. The new molecule is more potent than commercially available insecticides and is not toxic to human cells, contrarily to the former. The new molecule can be synthesized in a fast, high-yield and low-cost reaction.
In addition, the new molecule displays a mechanism of action distinct from that of the best-selling commercial insecticide, the reason for which it may be used in situations where resistance to commercial insecticides has already developed.
The food demand will increase worldwide due to population growth. The utilization of pesticides, specifically insecticides, will also accelerate to address the need for food production. Given the advent of insecticide resistance, the market needs new insecticides with novel mechanisms of action, obtained at a low cost, environmentally friendly and with no or low impact on human health.
This new molecule is more potent, less toxic, greener and cheaper to obtain than the commercial insecticides present in the market. Additionally, the compound and its analogues present a mechanism of action distinct from the commercial insecticide chlorpyrifos, which can be of interest as a strategy to overcome pesticide resistance.
This invention addresses the global insecticides market. This newly synthesized compound can be used stand-alone or in conjugation with any other insecticides. Ultimately it has applications in the agro-industry, agricultural cooperatives and other end-users of insecticides (farmers, professional growers or gardeners).