The present invention relates to the use of microspheres for binding Helicobacter pylori before and after adhesion to the gastric mucosa.
The present invention relates to the use of microspheres for binding Helicobacter pylori before and after adhesion to the gastric mucosa.
Currently, there is no effective way to prevent gastric cancer. Early diagnosis is difficult due to the absence of specific biomarkers, and there is no specific treatment for gastric cancer other than surgery. Therefore any breakthrough leading to an improvement of treatment of H. pylori and the reduction of the risks of gastric diseases using and innovative strategy is highly welcome.These microspheres constitute a major breakthrough on H. pylori treatment, in particular on applications where current therapies are not efficient. In this context, our approach presents the following distinctive advantages:
• 2 ways of using: i) independently from the use of antibiotics; or ii) in combination with existing antibiotic treatments, giving rise to new, more efficient formulations and to new market opportunities;
• No risk for generating resistance and secondary effects;
• Based on a natural, biocompatible polymer (chitosan);
• Adaptable to personalized therapy: can be tailored to capture specifically strains of H. pylori (more virulent ones);
• Exclusive, proprietary therapeutic formulation: no direct competitor in the market.
Pharma industry