The present invention describes a process of production and application of a novel functional ingredient to increase the nutrient bioavailability in aquafeeds.
This invention encompasses a natural ingredient and its application as an additive to improve the digestibility of plant feedstuff in aquafeeds. This enzyme-rich additive increases the bioavailability of nutrients, reducing the quantity of diet per kg of fish produced. In vitro and in vivo tests support that this ingredient promotes the release of reducing sugars and amino acids from plant-based diets, leading to high diet and protein efficiencies. The production of this ingredient relies on solid-state fermentation of agro-industrial by-products, contributing to the circular economy.
Low-cost production from agro-industrial by-products; increased bioavailability and digestibility of aquafeeds; higher feed conversion ratio and weight gain.
Supplement in aquafeeds to increase nutrient bioavailability of plant-based diets.